Trail Maps and Reports
Some fantastic volunteers make it possible for all of us to enjoy miles and miles of offroad trails. Next time you’re out and see one, be sure to give them a smile and a wave!
What are the Blue Bear and Cranberry Trails ?
Standing in the Trail Head Parking lot on M 72. CranberryTrail : If you go south and cross M72 then continue straight it runs until you hit the “T” going to Grayling or Fife Lake. Blue Bear Trail: If you head north into the woods. It is a loop that turns back at Starvation Lake to the M 72 parking Lot. Map on right color coded.
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 76 79 679 and 791 was groomed last night. The trail is still in good condition. We need snow!!! Ride Right Ride Sober
Cranberry trail
The cranberry trail was groomed today. The trail is flat but real thin between Sunset trail and Military road. Hopefully we get more snow Thursday night and Friday.
Blue Bear Trail update
The Blue Bear was groomed yesterday evening. The trail groomed well, super cold temps. Ride Right Ride Safe and try to save the snow we have by taking it easy. ENJOY.. The Cranberry was also groomed yesterday...
Blue Bear Trail update
The Cranberry trail was also groomed Wednesday the 25th. Reported snow thin and some corners were down to sand. Ride Safe Ride Right
Blue Bear Trail update
The Blue Bear was groomed Tuesday the 24 th. The trail is now in good shape ,but we need snow ..
Blue Bear Trail update
12/29/22 Out last night doing some touch-up on some drifted areas. With these warm temps we can't groom , and the trail will not set up. Please tread lightly to help save the snow we have. Ride Safe Ride Right
Blue Bear Trail update
The Blue Bear was groomed last night and today . With warm temps we will not be grooming tomorrow.
Blue Bear Trail update
The Blue Bear was groomed today. The trail has seen a lot of traffic over the last couple of days. We are grooming day and night. Ride Safe Ride Right
Blue Bear Trail update
Groomed the Blue Bear today. Lot of drifted areas and deep snow. Please use caution when your out riding.
Blue Bear Trail update
Started building the trail base 12/23/22 lots of snow and drifting. Very little visibility and lots of drifting. Please stay on the trail, this really helps the groomer when these conditions exist. Ride safe Ride right. The Groomer is also out today if you see Jim give him the thumbs up.
Blue Bear Trail update
The Blue Bear Trail was finished yesterday. This was our last grade for the season.
Blue Bear Trail update
Graded trail 679 from M 72 p/l to Co. Rd 612 . Hope to finish tomorrow Ride Right Ride Safe
Blue Bear Trail update
Grading the Blue Bear started last week and hope to have it completed Thursday. Ride Right Ride Sober
Trails Graded
The Cranberry and Blue Bear trails have been graded. For some interesting pics see our Facebook page. We apologize for the rough trails last weekend. There where some tractor issues coupled with we where doing brushing. We are limited in resources due to its the same people doing the work.
Caution Trail Maintenance
We will be continuing our brushing of the trails the next two weeks. This entails a tractor and a brushing machine that throws cut branches and twigs as we work. There will be some of this on the trail until we follow up by hand and throw it off the trail. Feel free to stop and help if you come across areas needing to be cleared. Please use caution
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KCSAS is a 100% volunteer run organization working together to better the trails of Kalkaska county for communities, families, and fun.