Trail Maps and Reports
Some fantastic volunteers make it possible for all of us to enjoy miles and miles of offroad trails. Next time you’re out and see one, be sure to give them a smile and a wave!
What are the Blue Bear and Cranberry Trails ?
Standing in the Trail Head Parking lot on M 72. CranberryTrail : If you go south and cross M72 then continue straight it runs until you hit the “T” going to Grayling or Fife Lake. Blue Bear Trail: If you head north into the woods. It is a loop that turns back at Starvation Lake to the M 72 parking Lot. Map on right color coded.
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 679 and 79 were graded from M72 parking lot to Summit Rd. Ride Right Ride Sober
Caution Trail Maintenance
We will be cutting brush on Trail 76 south of M72 Wednesday thru Saturday with a large brusher and tractor. This will leave sticks and brush on the trail. Volunteer crews will be out Saturday on the trail removing the brush. Please use caution.
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 76 was graded today from Starvation Lk to M72 P/L
Blue Bear Trail update
We have been working on the Blue Bear. We are adding stone to some of our bad corners. This takes a lot of time . We have to run a loader one bucket at a time back to these areas. So far we have put in 189 ton of stone. We are also grading the trail as we go .This is a long process. Ride Right Ride Sober
Blue Bear Trail update
The Blue Bear and Cranberry Trails have been graded this week and ready for the weekend. Ride Safe Ride Sober
The cranberry trail was graded today
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 791 and 76 were graded yesterday and today down to M72 parking lot. Thanks Phil and Jeff
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 76 and 791 were finished yesterday. Thanks Rob Brownley
Blue Bear Trail update
Trails 79 and 679 were graded Monday and Tuesday down to M72 parking lot. Trail 76 ( Cranberry ) is being graded today. Follow us on groomer tracker. Ride Safe Ride Right Have a good day
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 679 and 79 of the Blue Bear was graded today. Go to our web site and sign up for Groomer Tracker , follow and see when we grade. Ride Right Ride sober
Cranberry trail
The cranberry trail was groomed today
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 791 and 76 were graded down to M72 parking lot It took 2 days 22 hours. The trail is in good shape and hope to finish trail 79 on Thursday.
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 76 and 791 of the Blue Bear was finished today 7/29/2022. It is taking longer than normal due to the trail condition.
Grading Started Back Up
Tractor Repaired and we are back grading the trails. The Cranberry Trail was graded today. Blue Bear should be finished by the end of the week. Thanks for your patience while we fixed the Tractor causing some rough trails.
Blue Bear Trail update
Trail 76 and 791 were graded Thursday. Our tractor was broke down for about a week. The trail is in fair condition. We have one other repair to make on the tractor, and hope to grade mid week.
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KCSAS is a 100% volunteer run organization working together to better the trails of Kalkaska county for communities, families, and fun.