Trail Maps and Reports
Some fantastic volunteers make it possible for all of us to enjoy miles and miles of offroad trails. Next time you’re out and see one, be sure to give them a smile and a wave!
What are the Blue Bear and Cranberry Trails ?
Standing in the Trail Head Parking lot on M 72. CranberryTrail : If you go south and cross M72 then continue straight it runs until you hit the “T” going to Grayling or Fife Lake. Blue Bear Trail: If you head north into the woods. It is a loop that turns back at Starvation Lake to the M 72 parking Lot. Map on right color coded.
Cranberry trail
The cranberry trail was graded on Wednesday 7/6/2022
Equipment Down Trails are not Graded
Our tractor is down so the trails are not graded. We hope to have up by next week. Due to drought like conditions trails are very dusty and deep sand in some areas.
Club Ride Local Trails 6/25/2022 Canceled
Our Club Ride scheduled for tomorrow 6/25/2022 has been canceled. Forecasted temperatures near 90 degrees and trails that are completely dust due to lack of rain, we feel is not safe riding or fun riding conditions. Our suggestion is find a wonderful cold lake and enjoy your day. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
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KCSAS is a 100% volunteer run organization working together to better the trails of Kalkaska county for communities, families, and fun.